Monday, June 28, 2010

a preview from eclipse

6.28.10  - Everytime I wear my tri top I keep getting these cuts. I have no idea what from as there isnt any rough edges. I also used some bodyglide first this time to try to prevent it. I can't figure out why I am getting these. if anyone has an answer I'd love to know so people can stop asking my why I have vampire marks on my neck.

Overhead Squats

then shoulder stability work with a kettlebell trying to bring the bell back while lieing prone on the floor and actively stabilize and hold it using 20 and 25 lbs. If I could get better range in my surgical shoulder I know I could have more weight up on the OH squats. I stayed with 75 because every set there was a least one crappy one that I didn't count so until I could get them all good I don't want to push the weight until I know my shoulder can handle it. Thought about swimming this morning but I slept in so it didn't happen. My left inside ankle is a little sore and tight from yesterday but that is my only complaint.


  1. And I thought you went out and got a tatoo/branding - I am guessing you keep it zipped partially down - I am guessing the zipper part on each side is just rubbing and you just don't feel it - if it is possible, try to zip it up and see what happens - maybe time to get some new stuff, that is always fun.

  2. its weird i had it fully zipped and i think your right about what is rubbing but there isn't anything jagged when i run my finger there.
