Wednesday did some water running in the morning. 10 minutes easy to warmup and then 30 minutes of 8 hard ans 2 easy with a 5 minutes cooldown. Also took a yoga class to get the knee back on track. I went to the doctor to get the results of my bloodwork and they were super awesome. which is hugely validating. I know i eat a healthy vegan diet but something it is nice to see it on paper. Especially as an athlete people think it can't be done but i insist not only can it be done. it makes your better. My cholesterol levels were great. My good cholesterol level was really good from all of the good fats i eat. Also my vitamin levels were great. even my iron level was 70 points higher than the normal range. proof positive you can get everything you need without the meat and dairy. Get your nutrients from the source not secondhand. Its all good that way. I know I spend a decent amount of time and money on the way I eat but it is an investment that is well worth it.
Thursday - the recovery day that yesteryday sorta of was really helped my knee. I swam in the morning. warmup 2 rounds of 100 swim, 200 kick, 300 drill and then a main set of 2 rounds of 100, 200, 300 on 20 second rest then 5 - 100s kicking with a board. 200 moderate. then 100 breaststoke and a 100 backstroke to cooldown.
back to crossfit - warmup 20 pushup, 20 situps and 20 airsquats followed by 75 burpee pullups. I did then in sets of 5 and took little breaks between those sets. Got 2 nasty blood blisters. Im back to having ugly hands again. Registered to race at the mid-atlantic cyclocross regional championships.
Friday - some more water running 5 minutes easy, 2 minutes hard, 3 minutes easy then 1 minute on 1 minute off then 2:1, 3:1 4:1 5:1 5:1 4:1 3:1 2:1 1:1 and a 5 minute cooldown.
Crossfit - 20 pushups, 20 pullups, 20 situps, 20 air squats followed by 80 air squats, 60 situps, 40 pushups for time. in 5:28.
Saturday - Took a yoga class this morning to open up a bit. Then took an easy 30 minute ride on my cross bike with 5 - 30 seconds pushes. it was pretty damn cold in the beginning. it is going to be cold tomorrow for the race too. I've packed up my stuff and hoping for the best.
watched the ironman world championships on tv today. that always quite the show.
but here is a cute little interview about cyclocross in the states. Because this show is mostly about more cowbell!
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