Friday, February 11, 2011

Cold Irons Bound

sore from yesterdays wod and all of the toes through rings.

swim - 500 drills - 100s of switch, catch, drag, shark and hesitate

then 22 x 50s on 20 sec rest - it was supposed to be 20 but i am a bad counter

100 breaststroke to cooldown

1 - 42
2 - 44
3 - 39 - took off with the guy next to my lane
4 - 43
5 - 46
6 - 45
7 - 45
8 - 44
9 - 48
10 - 44
11 - 46
12 - 44
13 - 44
14 - 46
15 - 47
16 - 45
17 - 46
18 - 47
19 - 42 - took off with a guy next to me
20 - 48
21 - 43
22 - 42 - left with the guy next to me

picked my cf wod again based around what wasn't sore
cf wod -
10 rounds 4 time of
10 KettleBell Sumo Deadlift Highpulls @ 53 pounds
10 GHD situps
10 Back Extensions

time 15:40
spent time after the wod foam rolling and stretching. no extra weight session today.

meal 1 - vega wfo w/coconut water
meal 2 - soy yogurt, strawberries, blueberries, ground flax seed, mac nuts
meal 3 - clif builder bar
meal 4 - tofu, salsa, arugula, yams, guacmole, mac nuts

I have been really hungry lately.


  1. I imagine your hungry from all the training, it doesn't seem to me like you eat a lot at all.
