Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Commuting on my bike

Decided to start commuting on my bike to work and the gym when possible. It is 2.54 miles from my house to my office. Then 5.50 miles roundtrip from the office to the gym and back. Then back home 2.54 for a total of 10ish miles.

Swim - 100 yds warmup, 100 yds 6 beat switch 100 yds catch up 100 yds finger tip drag, 100 yds warmup, 5 x 100 yds on 20 seconds rest.
1 - 1.50
2 - 1.53
3- 1.54
4 - 1.57
5 - 1.57
then 200 yds distance per stroke - 21 -22 strokes every 25 yds. time 4:16

crossfit wod
5 rounds for time of
5 Deadlifts @ 185
10 Burpees

Time 7:15

did some lighter deadlifts and worked up to a 185x5 to warmup for this wod.

vega wfo w.coconut water
vega vibrnacy bar
smoked almonds
dark chocolate peanut butter


  1. MaryStella you are STRONG! Really impressive on the deadlifts!

  2. yeah! good for you commuting on your bike! glad I could inspire you to do that!

    Thanks for your support yesterday :)

    Be safe out there!

  3. @ dan thanks!my PR max deadlift is 230 and I want it higher!!!

    @ pam - your are so welcome. yeah safe is an issue i got rocks thrown at me today from tires kicking them up! Yuck!
