started the day with a 5 minute warmup on the trainer before doing 1 hour of 1 minute on 1 minute off intervals. This workout is killer. The first fifteen minutes were fine then the real pain set in. I got off the bike around 30 minutes to get more water stubbling to the fridge feeling like I would puke. Made it through the rest of it but was pretty delirious. I was able to really push the intensity this time and I rode the hell out of it. I sat and drank a smoothie immediately following and it took me 15 minutes just to recover before I could do anything else. While I am still not in love with riding on the trainer this was a killer workout. Hit the bike twice today. Went outside for a cold and windy 1:32 minute hilly route. Created a new ride looping together some hills. I turned around at the 1 hour mark to come back as it was getting dark and I didn't want to get stuck in that but I should have gone a little farther out as I ended up getting back in 32 because of the descent. I really like this ride and Im going to add some more hills into it to make it a longer course. I wasn't hitting those hills as hard as I did the other day. I think I was worn down a bit from the trainer wod this morning. The wind was helping much either. but happy I got the ride in. Ended up being a little short of 18. it was about 600 ft of climbing and several of the hills are long.
breakfast - 1 cup strawberries, 1/2 cup blueberries, 1 cup soymilk, 2 TBSP ground flax
snack - 1 scoop vega w coconut water, 6 almonds
lunch - clif builder bar
snack - 1 scoop vega w. coconut water, 1 tbsp peanut butter
post ride snack - hummus by the tbsp
dinner - 4 oz celebration roast, 2/3 cup roasted sweet potato, 3/4 cup roasted ruttabaga, 1 tbsp peanut butter
not the greatest food day again but I wasn't home most of the day.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Saturday, October 30, 2010
scary saturday
did a CF group swim wod today - warmed up with some catch up and kick drills then did various exercises followed by a hard 50. Things like 1 minute of flutter kicks, dips off a bench, pushups on the side of the pool. Did some hypoxia, breath holding underwater swimming. Stayed to swim on my own afterwards. Then the Crossfit Costume WOD for Halloween. I was Daphne from Scooby Doo.
In full costume hitting some toes to bar - hysterical!
Lost the wig, still got the costume
Ok, most of the costume is gone by burpee time. This is Ricky Simmons with me, you'll notice our matching pink leg warmers.
most of the wod was toes to bar, wallballs, medicine ball cleans, and burpees. i did sustain a small injury of a red welt mark under my left eye from getting hit by someone doing double unders.
Decided to put a serious wod in today and did 4 x 1 mile hill repeats. wanted 5 but ran out of daylight. Did a 3 mile warmup with hills and a 3 mile cooldown with hills. Feeling stonger climbing hills on the bike. Still not good at them and they are still hellish.
Dinner - 2 scoops of vega wfo/ wcoconut water
snacks - 1 clif builder bar and 2 tsp peanut butter
not the best day food wise.
In full costume hitting some toes to bar - hysterical!
Lost the wig, still got the costume
Ok, most of the costume is gone by burpee time. This is Ricky Simmons with me, you'll notice our matching pink leg warmers.
most of the wod was toes to bar, wallballs, medicine ball cleans, and burpees. i did sustain a small injury of a red welt mark under my left eye from getting hit by someone doing double unders.
Decided to put a serious wod in today and did 4 x 1 mile hill repeats. wanted 5 but ran out of daylight. Did a 3 mile warmup with hills and a 3 mile cooldown with hills. Feeling stonger climbing hills on the bike. Still not good at them and they are still hellish.
breakfast - 6 oz soysage, 1 red bell pepper, 1/2 red onion, 1/2 cup red beans, 1 oz soycheese |
snacks - 1 clif builder bar and 2 tsp peanut butter
not the best day food wise.
Friday, October 29, 2010
barbell & a bike
10 minute warmup on the trainer follow by 20 minutes of 1 leggers on the trainer switching legs every minute. This was a fun workout to shake things up a bit.
front squats - bodyweight x 10x 2, 45 x 5, 65 x 5 to warmup
85x3, 95x3, meant to go 105 x 3 but accidently put 115 x 3 on the bar. so 115x3, 120x3 (this were rough but i went for 125 anyway, 125 x 1 failed on 2nd rep. then 115 x 2. In between each set I did stretching, foam rolling, and negative ring dips. My negative ring dips have gotten better.
Feeling great today, not beat up.
breakfast - 1 cup soy yogurt, 1 cup strawberries, 1/2 cup blueberries, 2 tbsp ground flax, carob & stevia
snack - 2 scoops vega wfo w/coconut water & 9 almonds
lunch 6 oz grit tofu, 1/2 cup green beans, 1/2 bagel, 9 almonds
dinner - 6 oz soysage, 1 red pepper, 1 small red onion, 1/2 cup red beans, 3 tbsp avocados
front squats - bodyweight x 10x 2, 45 x 5, 65 x 5 to warmup
85x3, 95x3, meant to go 105 x 3 but accidently put 115 x 3 on the bar. so 115x3, 120x3 (this were rough but i went for 125 anyway, 125 x 1 failed on 2nd rep. then 115 x 2. In between each set I did stretching, foam rolling, and negative ring dips. My negative ring dips have gotten better.
Feeling great today, not beat up.
breakfast - 1 cup soy yogurt, 1 cup strawberries, 1/2 cup blueberries, 2 tbsp ground flax, carob & stevia
snack - 2 scoops vega wfo w/coconut water & 9 almonds
lunch 6 oz grit tofu, 1/2 cup green beans, 1/2 bagel, 9 almonds
dinner - 6 oz soysage, 1 red pepper, 1 small red onion, 1/2 cup red beans, 3 tbsp avocados
Thursday, October 28, 2010
tough thursday
a little tired again this morning, need to catch up on sleep.
swim - 300 warmup then 4 x 300 on 1 minute rest
1 - 5:35
2 - 5:34
3 - 5:37
4 - 5:32
I expected the rest to be more recovering than it actually was. Seemed like a long time before i started. I also didn't expect these to hurt as much as they did. a good kind of hurt though. Followed by 800 of drills, 2 rounds of 100 each of switch, catch, drag & fist.
breakfast - 1 cup soy yogurt, 1 cup strawberries, 1/2 cup blueberries, 2 tbsp ground flax, carob & stevia
snack - 2 scoops vega wfo w/coconut water & 9 almonds
lunch - 6 oz tofu, 1/2 cup pinto beans, 1/2 red cubanelle pepper, 1/2 green cubanelle pepper, 1/2 red onion, 6 almonds
1 - 5:35
2 - 5:34
3 - 5:37
4 - 5:32
I expected the rest to be more recovering than it actually was. Seemed like a long time before i started. I also didn't expect these to hurt as much as they did. a good kind of hurt though. Followed by 800 of drills, 2 rounds of 100 each of switch, catch, drag & fist.
breakfast - 1 cup soy yogurt, 1 cup strawberries, 1/2 cup blueberries, 2 tbsp ground flax, carob & stevia
snack - 2 scoops vega wfo w/coconut water & 9 almonds
lunch - 6 oz tofu, 1/2 cup pinto beans, 1/2 red cubanelle pepper, 1/2 green cubanelle pepper, 1/2 red onion, 6 almonds
dinner - 6 oc grit tofu, 1 cup green beans, 1/2 bagel w/vegan cream cheese
cf wod - 3 rounds of 50 burpees, 25 ghd situps, 12 pullups. time 22:59
it actually took me about twice as long to get ready for this wod as it did to do it. the burpees in round 3 were ugly. they had all of the aspects of a burpee but the flow wasn't the greatest. Didn't have to break any of the ghds in any of the rounds. Pullups were pretty strong too. Feeling tired again after this second wod.
cf wod - 3 rounds of 50 burpees, 25 ghd situps, 12 pullups. time 22:59
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
rippin the rubber
Tired getting up this morning. Not too sore just not enough sleep the last few days. Gotta get back on schedule. 5 minute warmup on trainer then 5 rounds of 5 minutes on and 2:30 off. Had to do this wod on the trainer today. kept it in the hardest gear I could push and covered 7 miles.
CF wod - Row 1500 meters for time then 100 air squats for time
row - 6:40 seconds I forgot to stop my watch so I have no idea how long the squats portion took but I do know that they hurt a lot more than I expected them too!
bfast - 1 cup soymilk, 1/2 cup blueberries, 1 cup strawberries, 14 grams vega sport performance protein, 2 tbsp ground flax
snack - 2 scoops vega wfo w.coconut water & 9 almonds
lunch - 6 oz grit tofu & 1 1/2 cup green beans
dinner -6 oz tofu, 1/2 cup pinto beans, 1/2 red cubanelle pepper, 1/2 green cubanelle pepper, 1/2 red onion, 1 tbsp avocado, 1 tBSP peanut butter
CF wod - Row 1500 meters for time then 100 air squats for time
row - 6:40 seconds I forgot to stop my watch so I have no idea how long the squats portion took but I do know that they hurt a lot more than I expected them too!
bfast - 1 cup soymilk, 1/2 cup blueberries, 1 cup strawberries, 14 grams vega sport performance protein, 2 tbsp ground flax
snack - 2 scoops vega wfo w.coconut water & 9 almonds
lunch - 6 oz grit tofu & 1 1/2 cup green beans
dinner -6 oz tofu, 1/2 cup pinto beans, 1/2 red cubanelle pepper, 1/2 green cubanelle pepper, 1/2 red onion, 1 tbsp avocado, 1 tBSP peanut butter
Had to get a new tire on my bike, it had metal and glass in it that cut through. Got a flat resistant one Hope this helps.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
when it rains it ....
swim - less sore this morning. Hit the pool did a 200 warmup then 500 drills. Main workout was a 500 yard time trial which i swam in 9:11!! PR (for now)! Yippee! That felt really good. My swimming is getting better! Followed it with 500 of drills and a 50 breaststoke cooldown.
Back squat - bodyweight x 10 x 2, bar x 5, 76 x 5, 95 x 3 for warmup then hit some foam rolling before the max weight rep at 135, 140,145,150,155, 160 - i don't think this was to full depth. Tried it again with medicine ball on the floor. missed the med ball so the 2nd attempt wasn't to depth either. stripped the bar down to 135 and hit the med ball. But it was time to go back to work so I didnt have time to work back up with the med ball.
Bike Ride for my third wod of the day. Great day outside here all day temp wise but when I went out to ride it of course rained lightly and was windy. Im so happy to have this extra wod in today mostly because it was a max strength day and those kind of workouts usually don't grind me down too much. This ride did grind me down literally. I picked a new route which ended up being hilly, climbed from 700 to 1500ft over about 7 miles. then had a screaming fast descent for 2 miles where I could barely see through my sunglasses as they were rain covered. I was going too fast to pull them off and I hit something and the road was really cluttered with gravel, rock , dirt,etc. and flatted my back tire. It was so bad that once I turnd off the descent there was no riding the bike. Luckily I was with my friend Jeff who rode ahead and got his car as I walked my bike back in the dark and in the rain. Stefan and I were lucky enough not only to get a ride home from jeff but he quickly changed my tube with his mad bike skills. I can do it but it takes me a lot longer and usually involves a lot of cursing. I guess my route would be better as an out and back instead of a loop down that hill.
bfast - 1 cup soy yogurt, 1 cup blueberries. 14 grams vega sport performance protein, 2 tbsp ground flax, carob powder
snack - 1 scoop vega wfo w/ coconut water & 6 almonds
snack - 1 scoop vega wfo w/ coconut water & 6 almonds
lunch - 6 oz grit tofu & 36 stalks asparagus
dinner - package of tempeh bacon & 2 tbsp peanut butter (needed the PB after that ride!)
Back squat - bodyweight x 10 x 2, bar x 5, 76 x 5, 95 x 3 for warmup then hit some foam rolling before the max weight rep at 135, 140,145,150,155, 160 - i don't think this was to full depth. Tried it again with medicine ball on the floor. missed the med ball so the 2nd attempt wasn't to depth either. stripped the bar down to 135 and hit the med ball. But it was time to go back to work so I didnt have time to work back up with the med ball.
Bike Ride for my third wod of the day. Great day outside here all day temp wise but when I went out to ride it of course rained lightly and was windy. Im so happy to have this extra wod in today mostly because it was a max strength day and those kind of workouts usually don't grind me down too much. This ride did grind me down literally. I picked a new route which ended up being hilly, climbed from 700 to 1500ft over about 7 miles. then had a screaming fast descent for 2 miles where I could barely see through my sunglasses as they were rain covered. I was going too fast to pull them off and I hit something and the road was really cluttered with gravel, rock , dirt,etc. and flatted my back tire. It was so bad that once I turnd off the descent there was no riding the bike. Luckily I was with my friend Jeff who rode ahead and got his car as I walked my bike back in the dark and in the rain. Stefan and I were lucky enough not only to get a ride home from jeff but he quickly changed my tube with his mad bike skills. I can do it but it takes me a lot longer and usually involves a lot of cursing. I guess my route would be better as an out and back instead of a loop down that hill.
bfast - 1 cup soy yogurt, 1 cup blueberries. 14 grams vega sport performance protein, 2 tbsp ground flax, carob powder
snack - 1 scoop vega wfo w/ coconut water & 6 almonds
snack - 1 scoop vega wfo w/ coconut water & 6 almonds
lunch - 6 oz grit tofu & 36 stalks asparagus
dinner - package of tempeh bacon & 2 tbsp peanut butter (needed the PB after that ride!)
I finally got my soy zone book. Curious to check it out!
Monday, October 25, 2010
Woke up pretty sore today. Was hoping the swim was going to loosen things up. it really didn't help much. warmup - 200. Then i went right into the wod since I didn't have much time. 15 x 100 yds on 30 seconds rest. My first 5 efforts were in a lane where water was filling the pool and pouring right onto my swim and flip turn. crashed off the lane line a few times trying to avoid that. Nothing I could do about it so had to swim through it literally. not fun but I guess the cold water was a wakeup for a monday morning.
1 - 1:50
2 - 1.50
3 - 1:50
4 - 1:50
5 - 1:50
6 - 1:48
7 - 1:49
8 - 1:50
9 - 1.49
10 - 1:50
11 - 1:47
12 - 1:49
13 - 1:49
14 - 1:49
15 - 1:48
I really expected to be under 1:50 for these. I just couldn't get my time down on them, kinda disappointed. not sure if it was cuz I was so sore. reps 13 - 15 I was definitely tired and just pushing to get through those.
then the dreaded cf workout of the day. I say dreaded because I wasn't looking forward to that many wallballs but honestly I actually feel a little less sore after doing this wod then when I started the day.
All wallballs were done with a 14lb ball between the 9 - 10 ft target. Situps were abmat.
Approximate time - >19:39. Someone accidently shut the clock off and had to restart it while I was doing my wod so I took the time they turned it off and added the new time but Im sure I missed some time. I don't care much because I was just wanting to get this wod over with. I knew my time wasn't going to be great going into it. Although this was the best set of wallballs Ive done in awhile. maybe im getting better at them.
Breakfast 1 cup soymilk, 1 cup strawberries, 1/2 cup blueberries, 2 tbsp ground flax seed, 14 grams vega sport performance protein
Snack - 2 scoops vega wfo w/coconut water - 6 almonds
lunch - 6oz tofu, 1 cubanelle pepper, 1/2 poblano pepper, 1/3 cup onion, 1/2 cup black beans, 3 tbsp avocado
dinner -6 oz tofu, 36 asparagus stalks
1 - 1:50
2 - 1.50
3 - 1:50
4 - 1:50
5 - 1:50
6 - 1:48
7 - 1:49
8 - 1:50
9 - 1.49
10 - 1:50
11 - 1:47
12 - 1:49
13 - 1:49
14 - 1:49
15 - 1:48
I really expected to be under 1:50 for these. I just couldn't get my time down on them, kinda disappointed. not sure if it was cuz I was so sore. reps 13 - 15 I was definitely tired and just pushing to get through those.
then the dreaded cf workout of the day. I say dreaded because I wasn't looking forward to that many wallballs but honestly I actually feel a little less sore after doing this wod then when I started the day.
All wallballs were done with a 14lb ball between the 9 - 10 ft target. Situps were abmat.
Approximate time - >19:39. Someone accidently shut the clock off and had to restart it while I was doing my wod so I took the time they turned it off and added the new time but Im sure I missed some time. I don't care much because I was just wanting to get this wod over with. I knew my time wasn't going to be great going into it. Although this was the best set of wallballs Ive done in awhile. maybe im getting better at them.
Breakfast 1 cup soymilk, 1 cup strawberries, 1/2 cup blueberries, 2 tbsp ground flax seed, 14 grams vega sport performance protein
Snack - 2 scoops vega wfo w/coconut water - 6 almonds
lunch - 6oz tofu, 1 cubanelle pepper, 1/2 poblano pepper, 1/3 cup onion, 1/2 cup black beans, 3 tbsp avocado
dinner -6 oz tofu, 36 asparagus stalks
Sunday, October 24, 2010
feelin strongrrrr
CF WOD - 4 rounds of 50 box jumps @ 24 inches, 25 knees to elbows, 15 pushups. time 30 minutes on the dot! Before I started this wod I said I wanted to get it done in under a half hour. I just made it! Tore some skin off my hand on the K2E but overall I think I am getting stronger. I felt I was able to handle that many box jumps better than I used to. I also didn't have to break any of the sets of pushups. Chest to deck on all of them although I am sure they weren't the prettiest of pushups. tough wod but i liked it. Took a 2 hour and 9 minute bike ride today. Covered 32.72 miles. Avg 15.2 mph. It was a relatively flat course some hills but no major climbs. really scenic following the river. Great ride this time of year with the folliage. my lower back was really sore from about mile 20 on. I did some foam rolling after my cf wod this morning and I noticed my lower back was really sore when I was doing that too. I am not really sure why.
bfast - vega wfo w/coconut water & 2tbsp ground flax
lunch - 6oz tofu, 1 cubanelle pepper, 1 poblano pepper, 1/3 cup onion, 1/2 cup black beans, 3 tbsp avocado
snack - 1 cup soymilk, 1 cup strawberries, 1/2 cup blueberries, 9 almonds, 14 grams vega sport performance protien
dinner - 6 oz cumin lemon tofu, 2/3 cup baked sweet potato, 3/4 cup baked ruttabaga
bfast - vega wfo w/coconut water & 2tbsp ground flax
lunch - 6oz tofu, 1 cubanelle pepper, 1 poblano pepper, 1/3 cup onion, 1/2 cup black beans, 3 tbsp avocado
snack - 1 cup soymilk, 1 cup strawberries, 1/2 cup blueberries, 9 almonds, 14 grams vega sport performance protien
dinner - 6 oz cumin lemon tofu, 2/3 cup baked sweet potato, 3/4 cup baked ruttabaga
Saturday, October 23, 2010
I thought I missed my bike
spent yesterday and and today between tarrytown and NYC. Diet was off a bit but overall not that bad.
friday - lunch - ceasar salad, mexican timbales (seitan, black beans, Guacamole, sauteed kale), Chocolate mousse pie (tofu, no refined sugar but delish!) Never ended up eating dinner. Walked around the jack o latern blaze and the horseman's hallow. Lots of field, gravel, dirt, unstable walking. My heel hurt last night and today. That's not a good sign that just walking makes it that unhappy in my opinion. How am I going to run again?
saturday - morning workout was sitting in the hot tub. Ended up being up really late last night and actually sleeping in a bit. It's been a long time since that happened. There was a tiny pool I jumped in after the hot tub to cool down. I did some laps of breakstroke, backstroke and butterfly for a few minutes just to try to loosen things up. This pool was the perfect size for the shape my fly is in. Its strong for about that long only. Went to the Vegfest in NYC today.
breakfast - clif bar & 3 mac nuts
snack - clif bar & 3 mac nuts
lunch - tempeh bacon, 2 seed waffles (hemp, flax, chia)
snack - vega vibrancy bar & 6 mac nuts
dinner - vega wfo w/ coconut water & 1/2 cup blueberries
Didn't get home in time to ride outside today. so I did 90 minutes of 1 minute on 1 minute off on the trainer. total beatdown!
10 minute done - damn this hurts, this is going to be rough
20 minutes deep - ok I'm ready to be done with this
30 minutes deep - this is really tough not even half way. put your head down and just keep peddling
45 minutes deep - half way - felt like I could be done. legs hurt, tired and thinking how am i going to make it through the second half because it isn't going to get easier
50 -60 minutes deep - getting disoriented. just not feeling well
70 minutes deep - don't have the energy to think or feel anymore, assessing is over
80 minutes deep - i think im going to make it but not completely convinved
90 minutes done - ouch!
me in nyc city getting caught reading about bikes!
friday - lunch - ceasar salad, mexican timbales (seitan, black beans, Guacamole, sauteed kale), Chocolate mousse pie (tofu, no refined sugar but delish!) Never ended up eating dinner. Walked around the jack o latern blaze and the horseman's hallow. Lots of field, gravel, dirt, unstable walking. My heel hurt last night and today. That's not a good sign that just walking makes it that unhappy in my opinion. How am I going to run again?
saturday - morning workout was sitting in the hot tub. Ended up being up really late last night and actually sleeping in a bit. It's been a long time since that happened. There was a tiny pool I jumped in after the hot tub to cool down. I did some laps of breakstroke, backstroke and butterfly for a few minutes just to try to loosen things up. This pool was the perfect size for the shape my fly is in. Its strong for about that long only. Went to the Vegfest in NYC today.
breakfast - clif bar & 3 mac nuts
snack - clif bar & 3 mac nuts
lunch - tempeh bacon, 2 seed waffles (hemp, flax, chia)
snack - vega vibrancy bar & 6 mac nuts
dinner - vega wfo w/ coconut water & 1/2 cup blueberries
Didn't get home in time to ride outside today. so I did 90 minutes of 1 minute on 1 minute off on the trainer. total beatdown!
10 minute done - damn this hurts, this is going to be rough
20 minutes deep - ok I'm ready to be done with this
30 minutes deep - this is really tough not even half way. put your head down and just keep peddling
45 minutes deep - half way - felt like I could be done. legs hurt, tired and thinking how am i going to make it through the second half because it isn't going to get easier
50 -60 minutes deep - getting disoriented. just not feeling well
70 minutes deep - don't have the energy to think or feel anymore, assessing is over
80 minutes deep - i think im going to make it but not completely convinved
90 minutes done - ouch!
me in nyc city getting caught reading about bikes!
Friday, October 22, 2010
headed 2 ny town
10.22.10 - probably only doing one wod today and tomorrow as I am headed to nyc and then upstate a bit to Tarrytown. Going to see the blaze and to a haunted house in Sleepy Hollow. Going to the NYC vegetarian festival tomorrow.
Swim Wod
100 swim
200 pull buoy
100 kick
100yd swim 10 sec rest
75yd swim 20 sec rest
50yd swim 30 sec rest
25yds swim 40 sec rest
200 kick with fins on board 1 min rest
300 pull buoy 1 min rest
200 kick with fins on board 1 min rest
500yd TT rest 2 min - 9:33!!!!!! Most likely my best 500 swim yet!!
just tried to stay really focused and push the entire way even when I was tired and hurting. I need to learn to suffer more in the water.
This next set was a lot tougher after the 500. It felt ugly.
25yd swim rest 30 sec
50yd swim rest 20 sec
75yd swim rest 10 sec
100yd swim all out!
Cool down:
50 swim
50 breaststroke
50 swim
50 breaststroke
My chest are shoulders were hurting today from the ring dips yesterday so I tried to loosen them up with the breaststroke. They still hurt.
reakfast - 6 oz scrambled tofu, 1 cup soymilk, 1/2 cup blueberries, 1 cup strawberries, 2 tbsp ground flax seed
snack - vega wfo w/coconut water & 3 mac nuts.
Swim Wod
100 swim
200 pull buoy
100 kick
100yd swim 10 sec rest
75yd swim 20 sec rest
50yd swim 30 sec rest
25yds swim 40 sec rest
200 kick with fins on board 1 min rest
300 pull buoy 1 min rest
200 kick with fins on board 1 min rest
500yd TT rest 2 min - 9:33!!!!!! Most likely my best 500 swim yet!!
This next set was a lot tougher after the 500. It felt ugly.
25yd swim rest 30 sec
50yd swim rest 20 sec
75yd swim rest 10 sec
100yd swim all out!
Cool down:
50 swim
50 breaststroke
50 swim
50 breaststroke
My chest are shoulders were hurting today from the ring dips yesterday so I tried to loosen them up with the breaststroke. They still hurt.
reakfast - 6 oz scrambled tofu, 1 cup soymilk, 1/2 cup blueberries, 1 cup strawberries, 2 tbsp ground flax seed
snack - vega wfo w/coconut water & 3 mac nuts.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
29 days in the zone
still a little sore today but much better than I was feeling yesterday. swim - 100 warmup then 5 x 100 of drills
100 - six beat switch
100 - catch up
100 - finger tip drag
100 - fist
100 - hand entry
followed by 5 x 50 yds on 10 seconds
1 - 46
2 - 48
3 - 48
4 - 48
5 - 48
then another round of the the 5 x 100 drills. this was the slowest ive probably every done my drills!
warmup pullups, pushups, negative dips, airsquats, squats 45 x 5, 65 x6, 95x5, 115x5, 135x1
cf wod - 3 rounds of 5 back squats @ 135 and 20 ring dip (negatives)
time - 5:41
Felt good with the weight that I choose for the back squat. I doubt I could have gone heavier and kept good form (depth). I don't have ring dips so I did a negative dip which consisted of me jumping up in the rings to full lockout then lowering myself as slow as I could to the bottom of the dip. Thought being I will gain more strength out of these than doing either dips were I assist with my foot to lower body weight or a box dip. This was a quick wod so I spent some time stretching and foam rolling.
here are the changes Ive seen since being on the Zone Diet for 29 days. I was going to assess after a full month but I am going to be away the next couple of days and I wanted to make sure it got done. It won't really change that much in 2 days. So far I have lost 6.2 pounds which is a 3.4% reduction in body fat. I gained .8lbs of muscle mass. I had a 1.7% increase in percentage of body water. I have the metabolic age of a 22 year old down from that of a 29 year old. I am actually 33 years old. My visceral fat (fat stored around your organs) went from a 3 rating to a 2 rating. That's the stats but how do i feel. I feel thinner and my abs look better! I think my energy and recovery are about the same. The only negative part of this so far has to be that there are definitely times when I feel hungry, sometimes even after I just ate. To clarify that I am not starving but I am not eating to the point where I feel really satisfied all day long either. I can see where long term that could be mentally draining. I am please with the results so far especially since I still didnt get a change to read my zone book and I haven't received my vegetarian zone recipe book either. I really look forward to learning from both of those about how to do this better. For month one I think I did a decent job at it. I didn't really feel the need to have cheat meal yet. That being said this is the first time in my life where I really felt like I was a on a "diet". I've never been so structured about my nutrition and that is saying a lot and I thought I had a pretty clean diet going into this. I never had a hard time transitioning to a vegan lifestyle and I didn't really have an issue doing the zone so far but it is a more controlled way of eating compared to what I did before fpr sure. Do I think it is better? I am honestly not sure yet. Why? Certainly it is good from an endurance athletes perspective of not having to drag more body weight around a course as long as the power to weight ratios are the same or improving. But can't say I saw dramatic performance results from it yet. Will I continue to do it? at this point yes I will continue to do it. It will be beneficial to really lean out more and see what happens. What I am looking for mostly is the performance to change.
breakfast 1 cup soymilk, 1 cup strawberries, 1/2 cup blueberries, 3 mac nuts, vega sport performance protein
mint tea
snack - 2 scoops vega wfo w/coconut water and 2 tbsp ground flax
lunch - 6 oz grit tofu, 36 stalks asaparagus, 3 almonds
lemongrass tea
dinner - 6 oz tofu, 1 red pepper, 1 corn tortilla 1/3 cup onion, 3 tbsp avocado, 1/2 cup salsa
chamomile lemon tea
100 - six beat switch
100 - catch up
100 - finger tip drag
100 - fist
100 - hand entry
followed by 5 x 50 yds on 10 seconds
1 - 46
2 - 48
3 - 48
4 - 48
5 - 48
then another round of the the 5 x 100 drills. this was the slowest ive probably every done my drills!
warmup pullups, pushups, negative dips, airsquats, squats 45 x 5, 65 x6, 95x5, 115x5, 135x1
cf wod - 3 rounds of 5 back squats @ 135 and 20 ring dip (negatives)
time - 5:41
Felt good with the weight that I choose for the back squat. I doubt I could have gone heavier and kept good form (depth). I don't have ring dips so I did a negative dip which consisted of me jumping up in the rings to full lockout then lowering myself as slow as I could to the bottom of the dip. Thought being I will gain more strength out of these than doing either dips were I assist with my foot to lower body weight or a box dip. This was a quick wod so I spent some time stretching and foam rolling.
here are the changes Ive seen since being on the Zone Diet for 29 days. I was going to assess after a full month but I am going to be away the next couple of days and I wanted to make sure it got done. It won't really change that much in 2 days. So far I have lost 6.2 pounds which is a 3.4% reduction in body fat. I gained .8lbs of muscle mass. I had a 1.7% increase in percentage of body water. I have the metabolic age of a 22 year old down from that of a 29 year old. I am actually 33 years old. My visceral fat (fat stored around your organs) went from a 3 rating to a 2 rating. That's the stats but how do i feel. I feel thinner and my abs look better! I think my energy and recovery are about the same. The only negative part of this so far has to be that there are definitely times when I feel hungry, sometimes even after I just ate. To clarify that I am not starving but I am not eating to the point where I feel really satisfied all day long either. I can see where long term that could be mentally draining. I am please with the results so far especially since I still didnt get a change to read my zone book and I haven't received my vegetarian zone recipe book either. I really look forward to learning from both of those about how to do this better. For month one I think I did a decent job at it. I didn't really feel the need to have cheat meal yet. That being said this is the first time in my life where I really felt like I was a on a "diet". I've never been so structured about my nutrition and that is saying a lot and I thought I had a pretty clean diet going into this. I never had a hard time transitioning to a vegan lifestyle and I didn't really have an issue doing the zone so far but it is a more controlled way of eating compared to what I did before fpr sure. Do I think it is better? I am honestly not sure yet. Why? Certainly it is good from an endurance athletes perspective of not having to drag more body weight around a course as long as the power to weight ratios are the same or improving. But can't say I saw dramatic performance results from it yet. Will I continue to do it? at this point yes I will continue to do it. It will be beneficial to really lean out more and see what happens. What I am looking for mostly is the performance to change.
breakfast 1 cup soymilk, 1 cup strawberries, 1/2 cup blueberries, 3 mac nuts, vega sport performance protein
mint tea
snack - 2 scoops vega wfo w/coconut water and 2 tbsp ground flax
lunch - 6 oz grit tofu, 36 stalks asaparagus, 3 almonds
lemongrass tea
dinner - 6 oz tofu, 1 red pepper, 1 corn tortilla 1/3 cup onion, 3 tbsp avocado, 1/2 cup salsa
chamomile lemon tea
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Woke up sore today. Took a longer warmup as a result with lots of stretching.
warmup cleans were 65x5, 70x5, 75x3
Then 15 cleans with 1 minute rest between lifts.
first 10 were at 75 last 5 were at 80.
Still working the form on my cleans since i haven't done them much lately.
Bike - 3 x 7 minutes on 3 min off - decided to ride jumper road. Rode a mile warmup then the plan was to ride up jumper for 7 minutes and descending for 3 minutes no matter where i was on the hill. what ended up happening was i rode the hill 3 times because I wanted to ride the rest of the hill when i hit 7 minutes. i just wanted to finish it. so my intervals actually went
1 - climbing 9.27 recovery 3:50
2 - climbing 9:32 recovery 3:18
3 - 10 minutes of climbing - started the ascent and actually thought wow! am i going to make it again? my legs didn't have much left in them. I told myself I had to. mile ride back to work. def feeling the legs today.
breakfast - 1 cup soy yogurt, 1/2 cup blueberries, 9 almonds, 2 tbsp ground flax, carob powder, vega sport performance protein
warmup cleans were 65x5, 70x5, 75x3
Then 15 cleans with 1 minute rest between lifts.
first 10 were at 75 last 5 were at 80.
Still working the form on my cleans since i haven't done them much lately.
Bike - 3 x 7 minutes on 3 min off - decided to ride jumper road. Rode a mile warmup then the plan was to ride up jumper for 7 minutes and descending for 3 minutes no matter where i was on the hill. what ended up happening was i rode the hill 3 times because I wanted to ride the rest of the hill when i hit 7 minutes. i just wanted to finish it. so my intervals actually went
1 - climbing 9.27 recovery 3:50
2 - climbing 9:32 recovery 3:18
3 - 10 minutes of climbing - started the ascent and actually thought wow! am i going to make it again? my legs didn't have much left in them. I told myself I had to. mile ride back to work. def feeling the legs today.
breakfast - 1 cup soy yogurt, 1/2 cup blueberries, 9 almonds, 2 tbsp ground flax, carob powder, vega sport performance protein
mint tea
snack - 1 cup soymilk, 1 cup strawberries, 1/2 cup blueberries, 3 mac nuts, vega sport performance protein
snack - 1 cup soymilk, 1 cup strawberries, 1/2 cup blueberries, 3 mac nuts, vega sport performance protein
mint tea
yunch - 6 oz grit tofu 1 cup roasted yams
dinner - thai salad, tofu & veggies
yunch - 6 oz grit tofu 1 cup roasted yams
dinner - thai salad, tofu & veggies
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Back is feeling better today. Swim - 100 to warmup, then had to cut my drills down to 250 or 50each due to time. Then swam 2,000 yds at 80%. I don't have a waterproof heart rate monitor so I don't know for sure mostly my Rate of perceived exertion. Time: 43:40
breakfast - 1 cup soy yogurt, 1/2 cup blueberries, 9 almonds, 2 tbsp ground flax, carob powder, vega sport performance protein
snack - 1 cup soymilk, 1 cup strawberries, 1/2 cup blueberries, 3 mac nuts, vega sport performance protein
yunch - 6 oz grit tofu 1 cup roasted yams
dinner - thai salad, tofu & veggies, broccoli, green beans, carrots, Cabbage onions - technically i supposed this was a cheat meal. Why because I ate at a restaurant and didn't weight or measure any of it. but I didn't have any rice and it's pretty damn clean for a cheat meal.
CF WOD - 3 round of 100 meters of walking lunges, 50 air squats, 25 pushups
time: 20:59
Had a dr appt today and got a pair of orthotics. I need to start wearing them for a few days then I can attempt to start jogging/walking and see how it goes pain wise. I hope they make a difference because I want to get back to unrestricted training as soon as possible. I felt really good today but I'm sure my legs are going to be hurting tomorrow.
breakfast - 1 cup soy yogurt, 1/2 cup blueberries, 9 almonds, 2 tbsp ground flax, carob powder, vega sport performance protein
snack - 1 cup soymilk, 1 cup strawberries, 1/2 cup blueberries, 3 mac nuts, vega sport performance protein
yunch - 6 oz grit tofu 1 cup roasted yams
dinner - thai salad, tofu & veggies, broccoli, green beans, carrots, Cabbage onions - technically i supposed this was a cheat meal. Why because I ate at a restaurant and didn't weight or measure any of it. but I didn't have any rice and it's pretty damn clean for a cheat meal.
CF WOD - 3 round of 100 meters of walking lunges, 50 air squats, 25 pushups
time: 20:59
Had a dr appt today and got a pair of orthotics. I need to start wearing them for a few days then I can attempt to start jogging/walking and see how it goes pain wise. I hope they make a difference because I want to get back to unrestricted training as soon as possible. I felt really good today but I'm sure my legs are going to be hurting tomorrow.
Monday, October 18, 2010
my back is still sore today so no crossfit workout. Swam this morning, 200 to warmup then 500 of drills.( 100 12 beat switch, 100 catch up, 100 finger tip drag, 100 fist, 100 entry) then a 30 minute swim focusing on form and stroke count over speed. I did clock one 25 just to see what the speed differential was compared to if i was swimming hard and it took me 27 seconds to get 16 strokes completely across the pool no flip turn which would have been about 20 seconds if I was going hard for time. Just can't do it fast yet. I always feel like I dont want to get out of the pool but it is usually time to go to work. Since no crossfit wod I took an hour bike ride on my mountain bike at lunch. Couldn't take my road bike because i need to fix my tire. that's going to take me forever! Did a 10 mile hilly loop. Legs were still sore from the trainer tabata last night. Really hoping the back is better tomorrow so I can get back onto my training schedule. That being said my legs are hurting and my abs hurt even when i rode my bike, When I laughed etc! ah ghds!
bfast- 1 cup soymilk, 1 cup strawberries, 1/2 cup blueberries, 3 mac nuts, vega sport performance protein
mint tea
snack - 1 scoop vega wfo. w.coconut water & 6 almonds
snack - 1 scoop vega wfo w.coconut water & 3 almonds
lunch - 1/3 cup onion, 1/2 cup pinto beans, 1/2 green pepper, 1/2 red pepper, 6 ounces soysage, avocado
Dinner - 6oz grit tofu, 1 1/2 cups green beans, 2/3 cup yams
Found out today that the tri I did last weekend where I thought we didn't place my team actually got 3rd!!! Have to get our award in the mail. There was some screw up with the timing chips.
bfast- 1 cup soymilk, 1 cup strawberries, 1/2 cup blueberries, 3 mac nuts, vega sport performance protein
mint tea
snack - 1 scoop vega wfo. w.coconut water & 6 almonds
snack - 1 scoop vega wfo w.coconut water & 3 almonds
lunch - 1/3 cup onion, 1/2 cup pinto beans, 1/2 green pepper, 1/2 red pepper, 6 ounces soysage, avocado
Dinner - 6oz grit tofu, 1 1/2 cups green beans, 2/3 cup yams
Found out today that the tri I did last weekend where I thought we didn't place my team actually got 3rd!!! Have to get our award in the mail. There was some screw up with the timing chips.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
back @ it
12 minute amrap of 10 front squats @ 65 lbs and 10 ghd situps. 8 full rounds. not sure how I feel about the weight I choose. I warmed up to 75 pounds before I started but I picked 65 because I felt like it would keep my bar moving at a good rate of speed. I would probably go heavier next time. I've got a stabilizer muscle spasmed in my back. Just needs to calm down for a few days. Ive got an icy hot patch on it because injuries that close to the spine tend to hurt more. due to time constaints today i did 32 rounds of tabata on the bike since i couldn't get outside to ride. I tried to push a really hard gear even though it meant a slower cadence. got slightly less distance on my garmin data but a higher avg and max hr. not sure what is better trying to push a harder gear even if it is slower than spinning faster through a lighter gear when on the trainer.
bfast - 1/3 cup onion, 1/2 cup pinto beans, 1/2 green pepper, 1/2 red pepper, 6 ounces soysage, avocado
lunch - 1 cup soy yogurt, 1/2 cup blueberries, carob powder, 2 tbsp ground flax, vega sport performance protein, 9 almonds
snack - 2 scoops vega with coconut water, 3 macadamia nuts
dinner - 6 oz grit tofu, 1/2 cup red beets, 24 stalks asaparagus
bfast - 1/3 cup onion, 1/2 cup pinto beans, 1/2 green pepper, 1/2 red pepper, 6 ounces soysage, avocado
lunch - 1 cup soy yogurt, 1/2 cup blueberries, carob powder, 2 tbsp ground flax, vega sport performance protein, 9 almonds
snack - 2 scoops vega with coconut water, 3 macadamia nuts
dinner - 6 oz grit tofu, 1/2 cup red beets, 24 stalks asaparagus
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Chilli Challenge Tri Race Report
Rode the bike leg of the Chilli Challenge Tri today. Decided to take my road bike and it was the right choice because we were the 1st place all female team! whoo hoo! It was a cold morning on the bike for sure especially because of the high winds. This tri is a little different. It started with a stand up dash to our bikes. Then mass chaos ensuing as everyone was trying to unrack their bikes, mount, clip in and take off all at the same time. The mass bike stat thre drafting out the window for the entire race they said that would not be enforcing it. I didn't let the start rattle me I stayed aggressive getting out of there and onto the road. Sucess number 1 was i didn't face plant while running in my road shoes although not the best for the heel situation. It was a hilly course (climbed from 600 ft to 1300ft) on some crappy roads and dirt & rock roads. It would have been easier to ride a mountain bike for sure but I don't think as fast. I was lucky enough not to get a flat. There were a few times were my bike wasn't all that stable but overall I only really almost fell twice. There was a very long stretch of rocky dirt road with a constantly winding hill. People were dismounting and walking up the hills and I was refusing to do it until I came to the final 20 ft or so where I almost wiped out twice because the grade was so steep on the hill. At that point I decided it would take less time to walk/run the bike up that part. There was a great descent immediately following this climb with winding turn after winding turn. I rode with so much gear on because of the wind that i was sweating a decent amount in the freezing cold but not taking in enough water. I was like an ice block when i got off the bike. I had to dismount and give my bike to a volunteer so I could run down to our kayaker. as soon as the hand off was complete I took a rest on the ground as i had no issues keeping the HR up today. Had to change out of the frozen gear most of which was covered with snot and get out chilli cups! I actually loved these awards because they were hand spun pottery bowls with chilli challenge written in them. They put a little metal placard on it with out place and the year. Much more useful than a trophy and just much kooler. Anyone that won't a chilli cup actually got a free bowl of chilli in it but i passed on that since I don't do the meat thing. Today was actually one of my worst days zoning yet. Mostly because I was gone all day I still zoned but would have liked better food choices.
bfast - 6 oz grit tofu 1/2 bagel w. vegan cream cheese
snack - 2 scoops vega with wfo
lunch - clif builders bar
snack - clif builders bar
and another snack - clif builders bar - all i had access to
dinner - Hummus with steamed broccoli, cauliflower and carrots, 1/2 bagel w/ vegan cream cheese, Decaf Chai Tea.
Got a little swim in today - a little shy of 30 minutes, didn't have time to do any drills because i didn't know when I was going to get kicked out of the pool so I set right into doing my stroke count swimming. I was sucessful at getting a few laps at 16. I think I even got one at 15! but in general i feel like I am moving really slowly to accomplish this. Mostly I was ended up with 18 - 20. It does feel more fluid but not as fast. Happy I got to do because my legs were a little sore after the race but the swim loosened them up and they feel better now. way better than they did when i was actually on the bike.
bfast - 6 oz grit tofu 1/2 bagel w. vegan cream cheese
snack - 2 scoops vega with wfo
lunch - clif builders bar
snack - clif builders bar
and another snack - clif builders bar - all i had access to
dinner - Hummus with steamed broccoli, cauliflower and carrots, 1/2 bagel w/ vegan cream cheese, Decaf Chai Tea.
Got a little swim in today - a little shy of 30 minutes, didn't have time to do any drills because i didn't know when I was going to get kicked out of the pool so I set right into doing my stroke count swimming. I was sucessful at getting a few laps at 16. I think I even got one at 15! but in general i feel like I am moving really slowly to accomplish this. Mostly I was ended up with 18 - 20. It does feel more fluid but not as fast. Happy I got to do because my legs were a little sore after the race but the swim loosened them up and they feel better now. way better than they did when i was actually on the bike.
Friday, October 15, 2010
ready from another team tri tomorrow
slept in the morning which was weird because I was so out of it when I had to get up for work like I could have slept forever. But I felt much better than I have the last few days. My ears are still itchy but no other symptoms. Not sure if it was an allergy thing or a cold I fought off or what but hoping it really is over and happy to be feeling better. today was a light day in the schedule. only did my bike commuting to work and the gym and home which is about 12 miles and a little over 30 minutes of riding but none of it was hard. Spent my gym time trying to stretch things out a bit and get ready to race tomorrow. that's weird too because i always feel better when i stretch yet I always feel like I need more stretching. Im doing the bike leg of a tri tomorrow. it is a 20 mile course that is on crappy gravel and dirt roads with lots of hills from what ive gathered. Should be a fun time although it is going to be cold and windy. Hopefully no rain though. probably one of the last races im doing for a bit so im going to have a blast. I love racing and I will miss it.
bfast - 1 cup strawberries, 2 cups soymilk, vega sport performance protein, 2 tbsp ground flax seed
snack - 1 scoop vega/coconut water - 3 almonds
yunch- 6 oz tofu, 1/2green pepper,1/2 red pepper, 1/2 cup black beans, 1/3 cup onion, 3 tbsp avocado
snack - 1 scoop vega/coconut water -3 almonds
dindin - 6 oz grit tofu, 1 1/2 cup red beets, a little cauliflower
I still didn't get my vegetarian zone book. it's been forever if I don't get it this week Im goingto reorder it from somewhere else. im going ack to the dr on tuesday. maybe ill be able to start running again something soon. I doubt it but maybe.
bfast - 1 cup strawberries, 2 cups soymilk, vega sport performance protein, 2 tbsp ground flax seed
snack - 1 scoop vega/coconut water - 3 almonds
yunch- 6 oz tofu, 1/2green pepper,1/2 red pepper, 1/2 cup black beans, 1/3 cup onion, 3 tbsp avocado
snack - 1 scoop vega/coconut water -3 almonds
dindin - 6 oz grit tofu, 1 1/2 cup red beets, a little cauliflower
I still didn't get my vegetarian zone book. it's been forever if I don't get it this week Im goingto reorder it from somewhere else. im going ack to the dr on tuesday. maybe ill be able to start running again something soon. I doubt it but maybe.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
catch up
no post yesterday because my internet was down so this is a long catch up post.
had to do the filthy fifty first thing in the morning or there is no way I would have gotten it done. I was dreading it a bit especially the wallballs burpees and double unders at the end.
50 box jumps @ 24 inches
50 jumping pullups
50 kettlebell swings @ 35 lbs
50 lunge steps
50 knees to elbows ( the form was horrible on these!)
50 push press @ 45 lbs
50 back extensions
50 wallballs, 14lb ball @ 9ft target
50 burpees
50 double unders
time 41:10 - slower than last time which i think was 39 sometime. disappointed.
had to do the filthy fifty first thing in the morning or there is no way I would have gotten it done. I was dreading it a bit especially the wallballs burpees and double unders at the end.
50 box jumps @ 24 inches
50 jumping pullups
50 kettlebell swings @ 35 lbs
50 lunge steps
50 knees to elbows ( the form was horrible on these!)
50 push press @ 45 lbs
50 back extensions
50 wallballs, 14lb ball @ 9ft target
50 burpees
50 double unders
time 41:10 - slower than last time which i think was 39 sometime. disappointed.
bike wod - 2 x 12 minute time trial on 4 minute rest. I found a 2 mile hill that took me 13 minutes to climb so i was a little over on the time but i wanted to reach the summit before i stopped. took me about 3:40 to descend so i got a little rest at the bottom before it was time to head back up the hill. my legs were wasted after this and the filthy fifty. Went to bed sore and woke up sore!
didn't feel all that well all day, not sure if i have an ear infection or whats going on. I feel like I have water stuck in my ear and my throat hurts. Im drinking my tea, and put some swimmers drops in my ear.
bfast - 2 cups soymilk, 1 cup strawberries, 7 grams vega sport performance protein, 2 tbsp ground flax seed, stevia
mint tea
snack - 1 scoop vega - 3 almonds
yunch - 6 oz grit tofu, 1/2 cup mashed potatoes, 3 cups of broccoli (didn't finish)
mint tea
snack - 1 scoop vega - 3 almonds
dindin - zone version of pad thai - using fresh bean sprouts instead of noodles, 6oz tofu, bean sprouts, 1 cup sesame carrots
felt good when i got up so headed to the pool
100 warmup, 100 fist, 100 hand then into the workout, not much time for drilling today.
100 @ 1:49, 200 @ 3.48, 300 @5.53, 400 @ 8.03, 500 @ 11.35, 600 @ 12.37 on 20 sec rest.
the 500 and possibly the 600 might have an extra 50 in there, i was getting tired and not being a good lap counter. Also form was breaking down I was going back to my old bad way of straightening my arms in the water or pulling under me I had to keep thinking about it to force myself to stop it.
felt crappy after the swim again not sure whats going on. was able to get my second wod in though.
30 minute AMRAP of
5 deadlifts @155
10 pullups
15 box jumps @ 24 inches.
got 9 complete rounds and to the 3 box jumps of 10th round. Thought I would have at least 10 rounds if not more. I tore my hand open on the 9th round of pullups. I was getting through the wod but i didn't have great energy for it.
bfast - 2 cups soymilk, 1 cup strawberries, 7 grams vega sport performance protein, 2 tbsp ground flax seed, stevia
decaf green tea
snack - 1 scoop vega - 3 almonds
mint tea
yunch - zone version of pad thai - using fresh bean sprouts instead of noodles, 6oz tofu, bean sprouts, 1 cup sesame carrots
bfast - 2 cups soymilk, 1 cup strawberries, 7 grams vega sport performance protein, 2 tbsp ground flax seed, stevia
decaf green tea
snack - 1 scoop vega - 3 almonds
mint tea
yunch - zone version of pad thai - using fresh bean sprouts instead of noodles, 6oz tofu, bean sprouts, 1 cup sesame carrots
mint tea
snack - 1 scoop vega - 3 almonds
dindin - 6 oz tofu, 1/2green pepper,1/2 red pepper, 1/2 cup black beans, 1/3 cup onion, 3 tbsp avocado
snack - 1 scoop vega - 3 almonds
dindin - 6 oz tofu, 1/2green pepper,1/2 red pepper, 1/2 cup black beans, 1/3 cup onion, 3 tbsp avocado
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
swim - 100 warmup then 2 rounds of 500 drills followed by 500 time trial
drills sets were:
100 - 12 kick switch
100 - catch up
100 - finger tip drag
100 - fist
100 - hand entry
1st 500 TT was - 10:10
2nd 500 TT was - 10:01
I like this swim wod. There were time where I actually felt like I was swimming well!
cf wod clean & jerks
55 x 3
55 x 3
65 x 3
65 x 3
75 x 3
worked on form for this mostly, may have had more reps. its been awhile since i did them because of injuries. Def need more practice on the form.
Got my mountain bike fixed today so it is ready for the race this weekend. Then when commuting home the chain got totally jammed and I spent 20 minutes on the side of the road trying to pry it loose. it was kinda ridiculous.
bfast - 2 cups soymilk, 1 cup strawberries, 7 grams hemp protein, 2 tbsp ground flax seed
snack - 1 scoop vega - 3 almonds
snack - 1 scoop vega - 2 almonds - just really hungry no way i would make it to lunch without being really crabby
lunch - 6 oz grit tofu, 2 cups spaghetti squash with 1/2 cup tomato sauce
dindin - 6 oz grit tofu, 1/2 cup mashed potatoes, 3 cups of broccoli (didn't finish)
drills sets were:
100 - 12 kick switch
100 - catch up
100 - finger tip drag
100 - fist
100 - hand entry
1st 500 TT was - 10:10
2nd 500 TT was - 10:01
I like this swim wod. There were time where I actually felt like I was swimming well!
cf wod clean & jerks
55 x 3
55 x 3
65 x 3
65 x 3
75 x 3
worked on form for this mostly, may have had more reps. its been awhile since i did them because of injuries. Def need more practice on the form.
Got my mountain bike fixed today so it is ready for the race this weekend. Then when commuting home the chain got totally jammed and I spent 20 minutes on the side of the road trying to pry it loose. it was kinda ridiculous.
bfast - 2 cups soymilk, 1 cup strawberries, 7 grams hemp protein, 2 tbsp ground flax seed
snack - 1 scoop vega - 3 almonds
snack - 1 scoop vega - 2 almonds - just really hungry no way i would make it to lunch without being really crabby
lunch - 6 oz grit tofu, 2 cups spaghetti squash with 1/2 cup tomato sauce
dindin - 6 oz grit tofu, 1/2 cup mashed potatoes, 3 cups of broccoli (didn't finish)
Monday, October 11, 2010
ugh the trainer!
swim - 100 warmup then
3 rounds of
100 - six beat switch
100 - catch up
100 - finger tip drag
100 - fist
100 - hand entry
1,500 of drills followed by 2 laps of perfection! working on stroke count i swam both 25's with 16 strokes across the pool!!!! It really can be done! I felt like I was swimming really slow and not taking a stroke until I needed it to keep moving but I did it! Now I just have to keep doing it. sadly I didn't have anymore time to work on it today.
Bike wod - 3 rounds of 1 minute on 1 minute off, 3 minutes on, 3 minutes off, 6 minutes on, 6 minutes off. Did this on the trainer and it was just hell! Distance was 7.21 although i don't know how accurate that is. avg hr 144 avg speed 13.9. I was really tired after this wod.
bfast - 1 cup strawberries, 2 cups soymilk, 7 grams hemp protein, 2 tbsp ground flax
snack - 1 scoop vega w/ coconut water, 3 almonds
lunch - 1/2 cup black beans, 1 green pepper, onion, 6 oz tofu, spinach,
snack - 1 scoop vega w/ coconut water, 3 almonds
dindin -6 oz grit tofu, 1 cup red beets, 1 corn tortilla with 1 tsp peanut butter (weird meal but i was rushed)
3 rounds of
100 - six beat switch
100 - catch up
100 - finger tip drag
100 - fist
100 - hand entry
1,500 of drills followed by 2 laps of perfection! working on stroke count i swam both 25's with 16 strokes across the pool!!!! It really can be done! I felt like I was swimming really slow and not taking a stroke until I needed it to keep moving but I did it! Now I just have to keep doing it. sadly I didn't have anymore time to work on it today.
Bike wod - 3 rounds of 1 minute on 1 minute off, 3 minutes on, 3 minutes off, 6 minutes on, 6 minutes off. Did this on the trainer and it was just hell! Distance was 7.21 although i don't know how accurate that is. avg hr 144 avg speed 13.9. I was really tired after this wod.
bfast - 1 cup strawberries, 2 cups soymilk, 7 grams hemp protein, 2 tbsp ground flax
snack - 1 scoop vega w/ coconut water, 3 almonds
lunch - 1/2 cup black beans, 1 green pepper, onion, 6 oz tofu, spinach,
snack - 1 scoop vega w/ coconut water, 3 almonds
dindin -6 oz grit tofu, 1 cup red beets, 1 corn tortilla with 1 tsp peanut butter (weird meal but i was rushed)
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Steamtown Sunday
I volunteered at the Steamtown Marathon today. Originally I had wanted to run this race as my first marathon but with my injury it just wasn't in the cards for this year so I decided to volunteer and offer support to all of the athletes that were participating. I did traffic control and runner support right after mile 25 on the home stretch to the finish. It was a fun time but I have almost no voice left after standing for 5 hours and cheering for 4. Had to get a quick workout in before heading to the race. I did 100 burpees for time. I was not looking forward to doing this one but got through it in 11:46. Thought I would get it done in under 10 but I guess I didn't push through the pain fast enough that early this morning. After the race I had the opportunity to take a 1 hour and 15 minute bike ride with my friend jeff. I took my mountain bike so I could get used to being on it for that long since Ill probably use it in the adventure tri on saturday. Quote of the trip jeff said to me, mary hills make you stronger, me to jeff, i am going to be one strong dead person. Averaged 14.5 mph. there were some hills on our route but also a long stretch of fairly flat terrain. Im going to commute on the mountain bike all week and just get really used to it. I prefer my road bike but Ill get used to it. avg hr was 142, my legs were sore still from yesterdays race but I wanted to get the ride in because of the nice weather and I just wanted the time on this bike.
Food was crap today since I was standing outside forever and then rushing around trying to get other things done.
bfast - 2 tofurky breakfast sausage, 1/2 bagel w soy cream cheese
lunch - vega wfo w/coconut water
snack - clif builder bar 20g protein
snack #2 - 2 - 1 ounce clif builder bars - i know this wasn't in the plan but i needed to go for my bike ride and I was already starving. I thought this was the best thing to do.
dindin - 6 oz tofu, red pepper, spinach, onion, corn tortilla, black beans, avocado
Food was crap today since I was standing outside forever and then rushing around trying to get other things done.
bfast - 2 tofurky breakfast sausage, 1/2 bagel w soy cream cheese
lunch - vega wfo w/coconut water
snack - clif builder bar 20g protein
snack #2 - 2 - 1 ounce clif builder bars - i know this wasn't in the plan but i needed to go for my bike ride and I was already starving. I thought this was the best thing to do.
dindin - 6 oz tofu, red pepper, spinach, onion, corn tortilla, black beans, avocado
Saturday, October 9, 2010
North Branch Tri Race Report
I was the biker on a tri team today and was happy with my leg of the race. It was a 15 mile course (according to the race) that I rode in 50.11. My garmin only had it at 13 ish but i started my watch when i was already on the bike but I don't think it was that much of a difference. my avg speed was 15.8. It was basically an out and back course with 7 miles uphill and 7 miles downhill a little over 500 ft of climbing. I felt like my effort was good. My avg HR was 162 max 174. Overall a fun race, cold when we got there but I was able to ride my bike around while waiting for my team to pass me the chip so I did get a warmup in. Got the pedals changed and got mountain bike shoes for my mountain bike today. Ill use that for my race next weekend because of the road conditions. Got a short swim in this afternoon. 100 warmup
then 2 rounds for 1,000 of
100 - six beat switch
100 - catch up
100 - finger tip drag
100 - fist
100 - hand entry
Then did a 10 minute swim just focusing on my catch placement and pulling with a high elbow. Followed by 10 minutes of 25 hard 25 easy. My shoulder is still an issue. I almost feel like it is getting pinched with every pull.
bfast - 2 tofurky sausage links, 1/2 bagel w/earth balance
snack - 2scoops vega w.coconut water & 2 tbsp ground flax seed
lunch 3 oz soysage, 1 apple (small), 1 oz soy cheddar, 1oz of chip builder bar
dindin - Steamed Broccoli with hummus, 4.5 ounces of tempeh bacon over spinach
the bananas were looking soooooo good after the race but I didn't have one.
then 2 rounds for 1,000 of
100 - six beat switch
100 - catch up
100 - finger tip drag
100 - fist
100 - hand entry
Then did a 10 minute swim just focusing on my catch placement and pulling with a high elbow. Followed by 10 minutes of 25 hard 25 easy. My shoulder is still an issue. I almost feel like it is getting pinched with every pull.
bfast - 2 tofurky sausage links, 1/2 bagel w/earth balance
snack - 2scoops vega w.coconut water & 2 tbsp ground flax seed
lunch 3 oz soysage, 1 apple (small), 1 oz soy cheddar, 1oz of chip builder bar
dindin - Steamed Broccoli with hummus, 4.5 ounces of tempeh bacon over spinach
the bananas were looking soooooo good after the race but I didn't have one.
Friday, October 8, 2010
ready to roll out a team tri tomorrow
Had a pretty easy workout day today. Getting ready to race my bike in an adventure tri on a team tomorrow. Overall I felt ok today but my legs were sore when I was on the bike.
swim workout
100 warmup
then 2 rounds for 1,000 of
100 - six beat switch
100 - catch up
100 - finger tip drag
100 - fist
100 - hand entry
Then did a 20 minute swim just focusing on my catch placement and pulling with a high elbow. Wish I had longer to swim but had to go to work.
30 minutes spinning around town on my bike.
trying to stretch everything out to be ready to race tomorrow. Hopefully all will go well. Im sure it will be a blast. It feels kinda weird to only be riding the bike instead of doing the whole thing. My heel still hurts through so I guess I should be happy to be able to ride.
bfast - 1 cup soymilk 2 ounces, 6 oz blueberries, 14 grams vega sport performance protein, 3 macadamia nut
snack - 1 scoop vega with coconut water, 1 tbsp ground flax seed, 1 clif builder bar - 20 grams protein, definitely more than i was supposed to have for a snack but i was really hungry and crabby so I decided I was not going to feel that way and gave myself the extra food.
lunch - chili - seitan, onion, peppers, tomato sauce, pinto beans, avocado
snack - 1 scoop vega & 1 tbsp ground flax seed
dindin - 3 oz soysage, 1 apple (small), 1 oz soy cheddar, broccoli & zucchini
swim workout
100 warmup
then 2 rounds for 1,000 of
100 - six beat switch
100 - catch up
100 - finger tip drag
100 - fist
100 - hand entry
Then did a 20 minute swim just focusing on my catch placement and pulling with a high elbow. Wish I had longer to swim but had to go to work.
30 minutes spinning around town on my bike.
trying to stretch everything out to be ready to race tomorrow. Hopefully all will go well. Im sure it will be a blast. It feels kinda weird to only be riding the bike instead of doing the whole thing. My heel still hurts through so I guess I should be happy to be able to ride.
bfast - 1 cup soymilk 2 ounces, 6 oz blueberries, 14 grams vega sport performance protein, 3 macadamia nut
snack - 1 scoop vega with coconut water, 1 tbsp ground flax seed, 1 clif builder bar - 20 grams protein, definitely more than i was supposed to have for a snack but i was really hungry and crabby so I decided I was not going to feel that way and gave myself the extra food.
lunch - chili - seitan, onion, peppers, tomato sauce, pinto beans, avocado
snack - 1 scoop vega & 1 tbsp ground flax seed
dindin - 3 oz soysage, 1 apple (small), 1 oz soy cheddar, broccoli & zucchini
Thursday, October 7, 2010
really tired this morning. had to drag myself to the pool and I don't think I really woke up until I actually hit the water. shoulder was sore before I started. Thought swimming would loosen it up. It didn't really help. 100 warmup, 100 fist, 100 hand entry then right into the workout of 30 - 50s on 20 seconds rest. times weren't great but they were consistent. also I felt much better about the 20 second rest than I normally do which is a good sign.
1 - 49
2 - 49
3 - 47
4 - 50
5 - 48
6 - 52
7 - 50
8 - 49
9 - 50
10 - 50
11 - 51
12 - 49
13 - 50
14 - 50
15 - 50
16 - 53
17 - 50
18 - 50
19 - 51
20 - 49
21 - 50
22 - 53
23 - 50
24 - 50
25 - 49
26 - 50
27 - 48
28 - 50
29 - 50
30 - 50
I was tired by the last few reps. My foot still hurts today too.
cf wod -
5 rounds of 15 deadlifts @ 155lbs, 10 box jumps @ 24inches, 5 push press @ 65 lbs
time - 16:18
This was a great wod. I should have gone heavier. I didn't want to load the push press too much since my shoulder felt crappy today but I probably should have done it at 75. The deads were tough but I bet I could have gone slightly heavier.
bfast - 1 cup soymilk, 1 cup blueberries, 14 grams hemp protein powder, 9 almonds, ice to thin it out
snack - 1 scoop vega with coconut water, 1 tbsp ground flax seed
lunch - 6 oz soysage, 1 red bell pepper, 1/2 cup chickpeas, 1/3 cup onions, 3 tbsp avocado, 1 ounce soy cheese
snack - 1 scoop vega with coconut water, 1 tbsp ground flax seed
dindin - chili - seitan, onion, peppers, Tomato sauce, pinto beans, avocado
1 - 49
2 - 49
3 - 47
4 - 50
5 - 48
6 - 52
7 - 50
8 - 49
9 - 50
10 - 50
11 - 51
12 - 49
13 - 50
14 - 50
15 - 50
16 - 53
17 - 50
18 - 50
19 - 51
20 - 49
21 - 50
22 - 53
23 - 50
24 - 50
25 - 49
26 - 50
27 - 48
28 - 50
29 - 50
30 - 50
I was tired by the last few reps. My foot still hurts today too.
cf wod -
5 rounds of 15 deadlifts @ 155lbs, 10 box jumps @ 24inches, 5 push press @ 65 lbs
time - 16:18
This was a great wod. I should have gone heavier. I didn't want to load the push press too much since my shoulder felt crappy today but I probably should have done it at 75. The deads were tough but I bet I could have gone slightly heavier.
bfast - 1 cup soymilk, 1 cup blueberries, 14 grams hemp protein powder, 9 almonds, ice to thin it out
snack - 1 scoop vega with coconut water, 1 tbsp ground flax seed
lunch - 6 oz soysage, 1 red bell pepper, 1/2 cup chickpeas, 1/3 cup onions, 3 tbsp avocado, 1 ounce soy cheese
snack - 1 scoop vega with coconut water, 1 tbsp ground flax seed
dindin - chili - seitan, onion, peppers, Tomato sauce, pinto beans, avocado
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
45 minute ride on the trainer this morning. Felt like a crap workout. 9.71 miles. 12.9 mph avg It is hard to focus my intensity on the trainer for that long. So my plan is to try to schedule all my rides outdoors unless it is an interval wod. When Im forced to be on the trainer I need to use my garmin to keep my internsity up because as soon as I stop thinking about it I slow down. Didnt get or keep heart rate high enough but I did manage to pre fatigue my legs for my cf wod. avg 120. I also got to bike commute today and test my jacket out in the rain. It works which is good since I always seem to find the rain to ride in. My heel still hurts 
cf wod
50 burpees, 25 GHD situps row 500 meters for time. time 8:05
bfast - 1 cup soy yogurt, 1 cup strawberries, stevia, 7 grams hemp protein powder, 2 tbsp ground flax seed
snack - 2 scoops vega w/coconut water 3 almonds
lunch - 4oz tofu, 1/12 cup onion, 2 cups broccoli, 2 cups mushrooms, 1/2 cup carrots - didn;t finish again! 1 vega vibrnacy bar. 9g protein 22 carbs. not the best but wanted to make sure i had my carbs covered since i haven't finished my dinner for last night or lunch today.
dindin - 1/2cup black beans, 4 oz tofu, 1/3 cup onion, 1 green pepper, 1 oz soycheese, 3 tbsp avocado
still didn't get my vegetarian zone book yet.
cf wod
50 burpees, 25 GHD situps row 500 meters for time. time 8:05
bfast - 1 cup soy yogurt, 1 cup strawberries, stevia, 7 grams hemp protein powder, 2 tbsp ground flax seed
snack - 2 scoops vega w/coconut water 3 almonds
lunch - 4oz tofu, 1/12 cup onion, 2 cups broccoli, 2 cups mushrooms, 1/2 cup carrots - didn;t finish again! 1 vega vibrnacy bar. 9g protein 22 carbs. not the best but wanted to make sure i had my carbs covered since i haven't finished my dinner for last night or lunch today.
dindin - 1/2cup black beans, 4 oz tofu, 1/3 cup onion, 1 green pepper, 1 oz soycheese, 3 tbsp avocado
still didn't get my vegetarian zone book yet.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
tuesdays triple
swim workout
100 warmup
then 2 rounds for 1,000 of
100 - six beat switch
100 - catch up
100 - finger tip drag
100 - fist
100 - hand entry
followed by 6 reps of 200s on 1 minute rest. Felt great doing these, great as in swimming well and cooked when I was done. Totally forgot my watch so i had to run off the wall clock... oops!
overhead squat day - spent most of my time stretching and mobilizing my shoulder for this. I knew it was going to be hard going there. not sure of the exact weight progression supposed to be 5 x 5 but i know i did more lifts than this. should with 15 and worked up to 45. It was at least
15 x 5
15 x 5
25 x 5
25 x 5
25 x 5
45 x 5
45 x 5
this is almost like a skill building workout for me because I have to keep the weight so low to be able to overhead squat properly so I did a bike tabata workout also on the trainer.
32 rounds of 20 on 10 off. distance = 3.57 miles avg HR 150. Found out my garmin works indoors so I can start using that on my trainer rides to keep myself accountable. I actually had the heart rate monitor on when I was getting ready for the workout and it looks like resting heart rate is between 60 -65. I know I wasn't really resting because I was moving around but it was interesting to see that as I expected it to be higher.
bfast - 1 cup soy yogurt, 1 cup strawberries, carob, stevia, 7 grams hemp protein powder,9 almonds
snack - 1 scoop vega & 1 tbsp ground flax seed w/coconut water
lunch, 4 oz tofu, 3 tbsp avocado, 1 oz soy cheese, 1 red pepper, 1/3 cup onion, 1/2 cup chickpeas
snack - 1 scoop vega & 1 tbsp ground flax seed w/ coconut water
dindin -olive oil,sesame oil, ginger, soy sauce, lemon juice, 6oz tofu, 1/12 cup onion, 2 cups broccoli, 2 cups mushrooms, 1/2 cup carrots - 6 cashews - pictured below.
still figuring out this zone thing. making something like this with favorable veggies means i usually dont finish it as it is a ton of food but then there are other days where im done eating and just still hungry. I almost feel like finishing it and still being hungry is better because at least I know I took enough in.
100 warmup
then 2 rounds for 1,000 of
100 - six beat switch
100 - catch up
100 - finger tip drag
100 - fist
100 - hand entry
followed by 6 reps of 200s on 1 minute rest. Felt great doing these, great as in swimming well and cooked when I was done. Totally forgot my watch so i had to run off the wall clock... oops!
overhead squat day - spent most of my time stretching and mobilizing my shoulder for this. I knew it was going to be hard going there. not sure of the exact weight progression supposed to be 5 x 5 but i know i did more lifts than this. should with 15 and worked up to 45. It was at least
15 x 5
15 x 5
25 x 5
25 x 5
25 x 5
45 x 5
45 x 5
this is almost like a skill building workout for me because I have to keep the weight so low to be able to overhead squat properly so I did a bike tabata workout also on the trainer.
32 rounds of 20 on 10 off. distance = 3.57 miles avg HR 150. Found out my garmin works indoors so I can start using that on my trainer rides to keep myself accountable. I actually had the heart rate monitor on when I was getting ready for the workout and it looks like resting heart rate is between 60 -65. I know I wasn't really resting because I was moving around but it was interesting to see that as I expected it to be higher.
bfast - 1 cup soy yogurt, 1 cup strawberries, carob, stevia, 7 grams hemp protein powder,9 almonds
snack - 1 scoop vega & 1 tbsp ground flax seed w/coconut water
lunch, 4 oz tofu, 3 tbsp avocado, 1 oz soy cheese, 1 red pepper, 1/3 cup onion, 1/2 cup chickpeas
snack - 1 scoop vega & 1 tbsp ground flax seed w/ coconut water
dindin -olive oil,sesame oil, ginger, soy sauce, lemon juice, 6oz tofu, 1/12 cup onion, 2 cups broccoli, 2 cups mushrooms, 1/2 cup carrots - 6 cashews - pictured below.
still figuring out this zone thing. making something like this with favorable veggies means i usually dont finish it as it is a ton of food but then there are other days where im done eating and just still hungry. I almost feel like finishing it and still being hungry is better because at least I know I took enough in.
Monday, October 4, 2010
def a monday
Sunday, October 3, 2010
sunday spin
another 2 hour bike ride on the agenda today. 27.21 miles. averaged 13.3mph was too well hydrated for the ride. I had to pee for at least the last hour on the bike. had one gel 90 minutes in cuz i was feeling crappy. not sure if i really needed it I was just riding slower than normal so i thought it wouldn't hurt.
breakfast - 22 lentil crackers, 1/4 cup chickpeas, 1/3 cup onion, 1 green pepper, 4 oz tofu, 1 oz soy cheese, 3 tbsp avocado
lunch - 1/4 cup onion, 1/2 green pepper, 6 oz tvp, 1 cup zucchini, 1 cup mushrooms 1/2 cup tomato sauce, garlic, worcestershire
dinner - 1 cup chocolate soymilk, 2 tbsp vega sport performance protein, 1 cup strawberries, 1/2 cup blue berries, 9 cashews.
I will most likely have a vega wfo w/coconut water before I go to bed since i didnt get that in yet today.
breakfast - 22 lentil crackers, 1/4 cup chickpeas, 1/3 cup onion, 1 green pepper, 4 oz tofu, 1 oz soy cheese, 3 tbsp avocado
lunch - 1/4 cup onion, 1/2 green pepper, 6 oz tvp, 1 cup zucchini, 1 cup mushrooms 1/2 cup tomato sauce, garlic, worcestershire
dinner - 1 cup chocolate soymilk, 2 tbsp vega sport performance protein, 1 cup strawberries, 1/2 cup blue berries, 9 cashews.
I will most likely have a vega wfo w/coconut water before I go to bed since i didnt get that in yet today.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Saturday Spin
2 hour bike ride. - 28.43 miles avg 14mph - glad to be outside instead of on the trainer.
post ride snack - vega with coconut water
had 2 gels on the bike - one at 60 and one at 90.
lentil & adzuki bean crackers - probably had more than I should have. Just wanted to taste them and see what they were like and they were yummy! didn't plan these into the diet. oops! Still waiting for my book to arrive. but dealing ok so far without it.
dinner - 6 oz - cumin lime tofu, 1/2 cup spaghetti squash,1 cup red beets
post ride snack - vega with coconut water
had 2 gels on the bike - one at 60 and one at 90.
lentil & adzuki bean crackers - probably had more than I should have. Just wanted to taste them and see what they were like and they were yummy! didn't plan these into the diet. oops! Still waiting for my book to arrive. but dealing ok so far without it.
dinner - 6 oz - cumin lime tofu, 1/2 cup spaghetti squash,1 cup red beets
felt a lot better this morning much less tired. I forced myself to sleep in a bit. Feeling the tabata from yesterday a bit but overall good!
Started the day with some crossfit waiting for it to warmup for my bike ride.
Warmup, 20 squats, 3 x 5 pullups, 3 x 5 pushups, 3 x 5 dips, 20 situps 10 back extensions, row 250 meters
Row 1500 meters rest 2 minutes Time - 6:54 not thrilled but i wanted it done until 7
Row 1000 meters rest 1:30 time - 4:30 - about what I expected it to be
Row 500 meters Rest 1 minute 2:09 - wishing it was only a 2 minute!
Row 250 meters - .56 - happy - wanted it under a minute
3 rounds of 30 second plank hold 15 second rest
3 rounds of 30 second handstand hold 15 second rest
wheel practice. shoulder still not feeling it.
breakfast - clif builder bar 3 macadamia nuts (crappy but i was on the move all morning)
lunch - 1/3 cup, 1 red bell pepper, 1/4 cup chickpeas, 3 tbsp avocado, 1 corn tortilla, 4 oz tofu, 1 oz soy cheese
here is a link to a crossfit workout I did on a local news program the other day. Ive got on the black shorts and long blue sleeve tshirt. blond hair. Doing some kettlebell swings and medicine ball cleans.
Started the day with some crossfit waiting for it to warmup for my bike ride.
Warmup, 20 squats, 3 x 5 pullups, 3 x 5 pushups, 3 x 5 dips, 20 situps 10 back extensions, row 250 meters
Row 1500 meters rest 2 minutes Time - 6:54 not thrilled but i wanted it done until 7
Row 1000 meters rest 1:30 time - 4:30 - about what I expected it to be
Row 500 meters Rest 1 minute 2:09 - wishing it was only a 2 minute!
Row 250 meters - .56 - happy - wanted it under a minute
3 rounds of 30 second plank hold 15 second rest
3 rounds of 30 second handstand hold 15 second rest
wheel practice. shoulder still not feeling it.
breakfast - clif builder bar 3 macadamia nuts (crappy but i was on the move all morning)
lunch - 1/3 cup, 1 red bell pepper, 1/4 cup chickpeas, 3 tbsp avocado, 1 corn tortilla, 4 oz tofu, 1 oz soy cheese
here is a link to a crossfit workout I did on a local news program the other day. Ive got on the black shorts and long blue sleeve tshirt. blond hair. Doing some kettlebell swings and medicine ball cleans.
Friday, October 1, 2010
still having the sleep issue. Tired this afternoon. Hope to catch up on sleep a bit this weekend. So tired didn;t want to have my half vega afternoon snack or dinner but I made myself have both as they might make me feel better. Its kinda funny since normally im starving and cant wait to eat.
swim workout
100 warmup
2 rounds of the following drills for a total of 1,000 drills
100 - six beat switch
100 - catch up
100 - finger tip drag
100 - fist
100 - hand entry
then with a t-shirt on
10 x 50 with 1 minute recovery
1 - 47
2 - 46
3 - 47
4 - 47
5 - 49
6 - 49
7 - 50
8 - 49
9 - 51
10 - 50
100 cooldown without tshirt
bfast - recovery pudding
6oz coconut milk yogurt
2oz chocolate soymilk
1/3 cup mango
2 teaspoon carob powder
3 tbsp vega sport performance protein
1 tbsp agave
2 macadamia nuts chopped
snack - 1/2 vega wfo w/coconut water, 2 almonds
swim workout
100 warmup
2 rounds of the following drills for a total of 1,000 drills
100 - six beat switch
100 - catch up
100 - finger tip drag
100 - fist
100 - hand entry
then with a t-shirt on
10 x 50 with 1 minute recovery
1 - 47
2 - 46
3 - 47
4 - 47
5 - 49
6 - 49
7 - 50
8 - 49
9 - 51
10 - 50
100 cooldown without tshirt
bfast - recovery pudding
6oz coconut milk yogurt
2oz chocolate soymilk
1/3 cup mango
2 teaspoon carob powder
3 tbsp vega sport performance protein
1 tbsp agave
2 macadamia nuts chopped
snack - 1/2 vega wfo w/coconut water, 2 almonds
Lunch - 3 ounces soysage, 1/2 cup onion, 1 corn tortilla, 3 tbsp avocado, 1/2 cup salsa, 1 oz soy cheese, 1/4 cup chickpeas
snack - 1/2 vega wfo w/coconut water, 2 almonds
Dinner - 6 oz grit tofu, baked zucchini, Ginger Broccoli, baked potato 2/3 cup. didn't measure out the broccoli or zucchini and there is no way I ate enough of them for them to be a full block. all fat was used in cooking so i didnt add any extra.
"tabata something else" 8 rounds of each exercises with 20 seconds on 10 seconds off
pullups 8 7 6 6 6 7 7 7 TOTAL 54
pushups 11 9 9 8 8 9 8 9 TOTAL 71
situps 11 11 11 10 10 10 9 9 TOTAL 81
squats 15 14 14 15 14 15 16 16 TOTAL 119
I officially registered for the 2011 Ironman 70.3 Pocono Mountain race today! That will be a second half-iron distance race next year! Also doing Eagleman 70.3 in June!
Took the celebrex and as expected it makes me tired. I hate it. I wish my body didn't react this way to drugs because it would be so much easier on me to take them if I didn't feel so crappy when I do. maybe why im so tired today. foot still hurts. Took my mountain bike for commuting today because the streets are a mess from the storms we had yesterday. It's good to get some time on that bike anyway. even though I much prefer riding my road bike. Going to spend lots of time with road bike this weekend.
pullups 8 7 6 6 6 7 7 7 TOTAL 54
pushups 11 9 9 8 8 9 8 9 TOTAL 71
situps 11 11 11 10 10 10 9 9 TOTAL 81
squats 15 14 14 15 14 15 16 16 TOTAL 119
I officially registered for the 2011 Ironman 70.3 Pocono Mountain race today! That will be a second half-iron distance race next year! Also doing Eagleman 70.3 in June!
Took the celebrex and as expected it makes me tired. I hate it. I wish my body didn't react this way to drugs because it would be so much easier on me to take them if I didn't feel so crappy when I do. maybe why im so tired today. foot still hurts. Took my mountain bike for commuting today because the streets are a mess from the storms we had yesterday. It's good to get some time on that bike anyway. even though I much prefer riding my road bike. Going to spend lots of time with road bike this weekend.
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