Swim Wod
100 swim
200 pull buoy
100 kick
100yd swim 10 sec rest
75yd swim 20 sec rest
50yd swim 30 sec rest
25yds swim 40 sec rest
200 kick with fins on board 1 min rest
300 pull buoy 1 min rest
200 kick with fins on board 1 min rest
500yd TT rest 2 min - 9:33!!!!!! Most likely my best 500 swim yet!!
This next set was a lot tougher after the 500. It felt ugly.
25yd swim rest 30 sec
50yd swim rest 20 sec
75yd swim rest 10 sec
100yd swim all out!
Cool down:
50 swim
50 breaststroke
50 swim
50 breaststroke
My chest are shoulders were hurting today from the ring dips yesterday so I tried to loosen them up with the breaststroke. They still hurt.
reakfast - 6 oz scrambled tofu, 1 cup soymilk, 1/2 cup blueberries, 1 cup strawberries, 2 tbsp ground flax seed
snack - vega wfo w/coconut water & 3 mac nuts.
yeah! nice job on the TT! The drills are paying off :)