45 minute ride on the trainer this morning. Felt like a crap workout. 9.71 miles. 12.9 mph avg It is hard to focus my intensity on the trainer for that long. So my plan is to try to schedule all my rides outdoors unless it is an interval wod. When Im forced to be on the trainer I need to use my garmin to keep my internsity up because as soon as I stop thinking about it I slow down. Didnt get or keep heart rate high enough but I did manage to pre fatigue my legs for my cf wod. avg 120. I also got to bike commute today and test my jacket out in the rain. It works which is good since I always seem to find the rain to ride in. My heel still hurts

cf wod
50 burpees, 25 GHD situps row 500 meters for time. time 8:05
bfast - 1 cup soy yogurt, 1 cup strawberries, stevia, 7 grams hemp protein powder, 2 tbsp ground flax seed
snack - 2 scoops vega w/coconut water 3 almonds
lunch - 4oz tofu, 1/12 cup onion, 2 cups broccoli, 2 cups mushrooms, 1/2 cup carrots - didn;t finish again! 1 vega vibrnacy bar. 9g protein 22 carbs. not the best but wanted to make sure i had my carbs covered since i haven't finished my dinner for last night or lunch today.
dindin - 1/2cup black beans, 4 oz tofu, 1/3 cup onion, 1 green pepper, 1 oz soycheese, 3 tbsp avocado
still didn't get my vegetarian zone book yet.
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