Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Levee's Gonna Break

Strange day here today. Didn't sleep much or very well at all last night. On my drive to the pool this morning I noticed they closed the flood gates around wilkes-barre and i knew that was a bad sign. I was wondering if the pool was even going to be open. It was open but half way through my workout I was told to get out of the pool because we were being evacuated.  That's so unsatisfying! But I understand why. I managed to get in 500 of drills to warmup and then 

200 pull


200 swim

200 pull

200 kick

Then It was off to work where we are supposed to be out of the flood area.  The river is probably going to crest at 40.9 ft. the levee system in place protects to 41 ft. so it is going to be close for the city. there is a lot of flooding around me already.  Places I was just riding my bike or running are flooded over from both creeks and the river. I did manage to get a run in today but it felt ugly. It was really humid and i just wasn't feeling too good all day. I ran about 4.5 miles in about 45 minutes. I use "about" because my garmin wasn't accurately recording data. it was ok in some sections and in some others its was wrong. maybe something to do with conditions out there. Ive never had that happen before.  I was thinking what a challenge running a half-mary on sunday is going to be while running today. I know I can do it. I've done it before but it's going to be rough.  The tape didn't stay on my legs today so that didn't help. probably from the 100% humidity and the light rain.  I have a strong feeling saturday's bike race isn't going to happen since that area is flooding and there is no access to it from here currently. But things can change i guess. I doubt i will be able to go swim tomorrow because that is directly in the flood area. maybe some bike on the trainer or outside or maybe another run.  Not sure if i have work tomorrow all depends on the flooding.


The Levee's Gonna Break by Bob Dylan

If it keep on rainin' the levee gonna break
If it keep on rainin' the levee gonna break
Everybody saying this is a day only the Lord could make
Well I worked on the levee Mama, both night and day
Well I worked on the levee Mama, both night and day
I got to the river and I threw my clothes away
I paid my time and now I'm as good as new
I paid my time and now I'm as good as new
They can't take me back, not unless I want them to
If it keep on rainin' the levee gonna break
If it keep on rainin' the levee gonna break
Some of these people gonna strip you of all they can take
I can't stop here, I ain't ready to unload
I can't stop here, I ain't ready to unload
Riches and salvation can be waiting behind the next bend in the road
I picked you up from the gutter and this is the thanks I get
I picked you up from the gutter and this is the thanks I get
You say you want me to quit ya, I told you no, not just yet
I look in your eyes, I see nobody else but me
I look in your eyes, I see nobody other than me
I see all that I am and all I hope to be
If it keep on rainin' the levee gonna break
If it keep on rainin' the levee gonna break
Some of these people don't know which road to take
When I'm with you I forget I was ever blue
When I'm with you I forget I was ever blue
Without you there's no meaning in anything I do
Some people on the road carrying everything that they own
Some people on the road carrying everything that they own
Some people got barely enough skin to cover their bones
Put on your cat clothes, Mama, put on your evening dress
Put on your cat clothes, Mama, put on your evening dress
A few more years of hard work then there'll be a thousand years of happiness
If it keep on rainin' the levee gonna break
If it keep on rainin' the levee gonna break
I tried to get you to love me, but I won't repeat that mistake
If it keep on rainin' the levee gonna break
If it keep on rainin' the levee gonna break
Plenty of cheap stuff out there still around that you take
I woke up this morning, butter and eggs in my bed
I woke up this morning, butter and eggs in my bed
I ain't got enough room to even raise my head
Come back, baby, say we never more will part
Come back, baby, say we never more will part
Don't be a stranger without a brain or heart
If it keep on rainin' the levee gonna break
If it keep on rainin' the levee gonna break
Some people still sleepin', some people are wide awake

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