Wednesday, April 13, 2011

It's Gonna Rain

swim - 10 x 100s of drills to warmup, 2 sets of switch, catch, drag, shark & hesitate then
4 x 200s on 30 seconds.
3.27- 3.28 - 3.17 - 3.21
The last two I did with a couple of guys from the pool. They motivated some better times out of me! They ask me to swim with them all the time but I never do it. Maybe I should! I go faster with them! And I am all about swimming faster!

cf wod -
21 - 15- 9
Power Cleans @ 70lbs
Dips (box)
time - 5.32
Wod went pretty well. I dropped the bar a couple of times and wish I didn't. I was just getting tired and then i had to chase it across the gym. I need to start forcing myself to not break on these things just because i am feeling it!

I got invited to go ride my bike tonight with the guys from the pool but it has been raining since last night so i decided not to go.

Registered for my first running race of the season this weekend. Im going a local 5k to kick the season off.

meal 1 - vega wfo w/coconut water
meal 2 - clif builder bar & mac nuts
meal 3 - banana & mac nuts
meal 4 - Tofu, veggies & brown rice
meal 5 - tempeh, red peppers & onion, spinach, roasted green beans & red beets, peanut butter

I am going to start eating more calories earlier in the day because i find myself hungry more in the morning.

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