Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Come Feel me Tremble

Didn't make it to the pool this morning due to a snowstorm. I have my bike class tonight so I can't go then either.

Bike - 10 minute warmup, 16 rounds of 20 second on 10 seconds off, 5 minute cooldown. Distance 4.55 miles. HR near 140 range. I really look forward to next week when I can bike with both legs!

CF Wod - 10 rounds of 5 clapping pushups, 10 kickups, 20 leg raises. time 17.37. The pushups are much easier when you don't have a cast on! The abs were screaming!

3 x 2 mine wall sit on 2 minute rest - these took me back to my karate days of having to do these while listening to sensei lecture.
Used the two minute rest to stretch out my calves

meal 1 - tofu, cauliflower, daiya, bagel & peanut butter
meal 2 - vega wfo w/coconut water
meal 3 - tvp, carrots, zucchini, red peppers
meal 4 - clif builder bar
meal 5 -

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