Friday, January 28, 2011

I still haven't found what I'm looking for

foot felt good this morning. actually I felt really good getting up not tired not sore. which is surprising since i was short on sleep last night. expected to have a good swim but it really didn't work out that way.

swim - 5 x 100 drills - switch, catch, drag, shark, hesitate

15 x 100s on 20 second rest. Had to share a lane for this entire workout.
1 - 1.33
2 - 1.36
3 - 1.35
4 - 1.40
5 - 1.40
6 - 1.44
7 - 1.43
8 - 1.47
9 - 1.43
10 - 1.47
11 - 1.46
12 - 1.49
13 - 1.47
14 -1.53 - drank some pool water and coughed an entire 25 - flip turned at the same time as the guy sharing the lane with me and it made a huge wave that didn't work out for me when breathing
15 - 1.47

Felt like I just couldn't get into that other place today where I could push out some better times. I didn't feel tired or sore but I just didn't feel fast. Just didn't have my drive. Of course the guy i was sharing the lane with was a great swimmer. he was literally passing me doing backstroke etc. Just getting schooled! how embarassing! I didn't feel particularily great after my unplanned refreshments so i didn't add any extra drills or a cooldown.

cf wod

4 rounds of
row 400 meters
25 pushups
10 ghd situps

time - 13.30

if i do one more pushup my arms are going to fall off! alright not really. its not a sore thing it's a I can't wait to be able to throw some weights around again kinda thing. I must have had water stuck in my sinuses from when i was drinking the pool water this morning because i started doing ghds and all of this water started pouring out of my nose. it was kinda funny.

bike - 20 minutes - kept cadence above 90 the entire ride. had HR up too.

meal 1 - vega wfo w/coconut water
meal 2 - granola & soy yogurt
meal 3 - seitan, pinto & black beans, red, yellow and green bell peppers
meal 4 - clif builder bar
meal 5 - jerk tempeh, zucchini chips, red cabbage, chocolate soymilk

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