Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Hells Bells

wod 1 - bike on trainer - 13 minute warmup. then 9 minutes on 3 minutes off 7 minutes on 3 minutes off 5 minutes on. 7 minute cooldown.

wod 2 - "helly" this was modified so much i can't even call it Kelly
5 rounds of
Row 400 meters (supposed to be a run)
30 steps up onto a 24 inch box (supposed to be box jumps)
30 wallballs - 14lb ball @ 9 ft target (hells balls)
time - 34.44

Been awhile since ive done wallballs. they were rough at the beginning but got better as it went on.

meal 1 - tofu, spinach ,guacamole,banana
meal 2 - vega wfo w/coconut
meal 3 - soysage, broccoli, clif builder bar
meal 4 - tofu marsala, mashed parnsips, zucchini, peanut butter

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