Tuesday, February 22, 2011

pride (in the name of love)

swim - 500 drills - 100 balance, 100 switch, 100 catch, 100 shark, 100 hesitate

5 x 300 on 25 sec rest - odd intervals - swim even interval - pull

1 - 5.23
2 - 5.32
3 - 5.27
4 - 5.51 - lost pull buoy on last turn and had to hunt it down!
5 - 5.27
the streak continues - i am still faster without the pull buoy! I was feeling yesterdays wod when I was swimming. All day my shoulder has felt a little tweaked.

cf wod - 5 rounds of 50 ft walking lunges, 25 GHD situps, 25 back extensions - time - 13.36 - got a good burn on the legs.

run - 3 miles - 28.50 - my foot doesn't hurt when i run but it does seem to have a pulling sensation to it. Maybe becuase I have been working on stretching it.

meal 1 - vega wfo w/coconut water
meal 2 - soy yogurt, strawberries, blueberries, ground flax, vega wfo
meal 3 - clif builder bar & mac nuts
meal 4 - tofu & carrots (small)
meal 5 - clif builder bar
meal 6 - soysage, broccoli, banana, peanut butter
Received my garmin sensor in the mail today. So I can get that hooked up on my tri bike! :) Any have some data for my rides again.

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