Monday, February 7, 2011

Mrs. Self-Destruct

swim - warmup 500 yards drills - 100s of switch, catch, drag, shark and hesitate. 20 minute time trial. on my 55 lap when the alarm sounded ( if i counted correctly?) . approximate 1,375, Felt good. cooldown with the same drill set as the warmup I am going to order some of my own swim gear to start using.

cf wod - 10 rounds of 20 walking lunges, 10 GHD situps and 10 Back extensions. - time 17.22. There may have and extra 11th round completed. Have trouble with my counting today. my legs are going to be sore from the lunges I know it! those always kill me. Made sure to stretch and roll out after the wod but i think ill b feeling it anyway.

meal 1 - vega wfo w/coconut water
meal 2 - soy yogurt, blueberries, strawberries, ground flax, vega wfo
meal 3 - tofu, red onion, argula, pico de gallo, roasted yams
meal 4 - clif builder bar
meal 5 - soysage. onion, broccoli, potatoes

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